Text To Speech

This service generates a sound file (”.wav”) from a any given text in the following languages:

  • English (US)
  • English (GB)
  • German
  • Spanish (ES)
  • French
  • Italian

Getting Started

Using Angus python SDK:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import angus.client

conn = angus.client.connect()
service = conn.services.get_service('text_to_speech', version=1)
job = service.process({'text': "Hi guys, how are you today?", 'lang' : "en-US"})

### The output wav file is available as compressed (zlib), base64 string.
sound = job.result["sound"]


The function process() takes a dictionary formatted as follows:

{'text' : "Hello guys",
 'lang' : "en-US"}
  • text: a string containing the text to be synthesized.
  • lang: the code of the language to be used for synthesis. Languages currently available are:
    • English (US) : en-US
    • English (GB) : en-GB
    • German : de-DE
    • Spanish (ES) : es-ES
    • French : fr-FR
    • Italian : it-IT


Events will be pushed to your client following the below format:

  "status" : 201,
  "sound" : "'eJzsvHdUFNm6N1yhEzQ ... jzf//+T/jj/A8b0r/9"
  • status: the http status code of the request.
  • sound : contains the synthesized sound file (.wav) as a compressed (zlib), base64 string. Please refer to the code sample below of how to decode it in Python.

Code Sample

This code sample uses Angus text_to_speech service to synthesize “hi guys, how are you today?”.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import angus.client
import base64
import zlib
import subprocess

def decode_output(sound, filename):
	sound = base64.b64decode(sound)
	sound = zlib.decompress(sound)
	with open(filename, "wb") as f:

conn = angus.client.connect()
service = conn.services.get_service('text_to_speech', version=1)

job = service.process({'text': "Hi guys, how are you today?", 'lang' : "en-US"})

### The output wav file is available as compressed (zlib), base64 string.
### Here, the string is decoded and played back by Linux "aplay".
decode_output(job.result["sound"], "output.wav")
subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/aplay", "./output.wav"])