Scene Analysis

This is main API that is meant to help you leverage your video streams by extracting:

  • how many people are visible?
  • who is looking at what?
  • are people only passing by or do they stop?
  • do they look happy?
  • what are their age and gender?
  • etc...

Besides the code samples provided on this page, you can find a first way to use the API on GitHub here

Getting Started

Using the Python SDK:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import angus.client
from pprint import pprint

conn = angus.client.connect()
service ="scene_analysis", version=1)


while True:
    job = service.process({"image": open("./image.jpg", 'rb'),
                           "timestamp" : "2016-10-26T16:21:01.136287+00:00",
                           "camera_position": "ceiling",
                           "sensitivity": {
                                            "appearance": 0.7,
                                            "disappearance": 0.7,
                                            "age_estimated": 0.4,
                                            "gender_estimated": 0.5,
                                            "focus_locked": 0.9,
                                            "emotion_detected": 0.4,
                                            "direction_estimated" : 0.8



The API takes a stream of 2d still images as input, of format “jpg” or “png”, without constraints on resolution. However, 640p x 480p tends to be a good trade-off for both precision/recall and latencies.

Note also that the bigger the resolution, the longer the API will take to process and give a result. The function process() takes a dictionary as input formatted as follows:

  "image" : binary file,
  "timestamp" : "2016-10-26T16:21:01.136287+00:00",
  "camera_position" : "ceiling" or "facing",
  "sensitivity": {
                    "appearance": 0.7,
                    "disappearance": 0.7,
                    "age_estimated": 0.4,
                    "gender_estimated": 0.5,
                    "focus_locked": 0.9,
                    "emotion_detected": 0.4,
                    "direction_estimated" : 0.8
  • image: a python File Object returned for example by open() or a StringIO buffer.
  • timestamp: a string formated using the iso 8601 UTC date format.
  • camera_position: a preset is a list of parameters set in advance. This list of parameters is used to calibrate the API based on the camera position.
  • sensitivity: an optional dictionary that sets the sensitivity (between 0 and 1) of the system regarding each events. For instance, If you feel that the events “appearance” is triggered too often, you can decrease its value.
  • store: store process results (not video data) for analytics dashboard (Beta)

Here is the list of the different presets that are available :

  • ceiling: this preset has to be used if the camera is a ceiling camera or if it is placed at ceiling height.
  • facing: this preset has to be used if the camera is placed at human height.
alternate text

The “facing” preset should be used in this situation

alternate text

The “ceiling” preset should be used in this situation

Output API

Events will be pushed to your client following that format. Note that if nothing happened, the events list will be empty, but the timestamp will still be updated.

  "timestamp" : "2016-10-26T16:21:01.136287+00:00",
  "events" : [
                "entity_id" : "16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
                "entity_type" : "human",
                "type" : "age_estimated",
                "confidence" : 0.96,
                "key" : "age"
  "entities" : {"16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da":
                          "face_roi": [339, 264, 232, 232],
                          "face_roi_confidence": 0.71,
                          "full_body_roi": [59, 14, 791, 1798],
                          "full_body_roi_confidence": 0.71,

                          "age": 25,
                          "age_confidence": 0.34,

                          "gender": "male",
                          "gender_confidence": 0.99,

                          "emotion_anger": 0.04,
                          "emotion_surprise": 0.06,
                          "emotion_sadness": 0.14,
                          "emotion_neutral": 0.53,
                          "emotion_happiness": 0.21,
                          "emotion_smiling_degree": 0.42,
                          "emotion_confidence": 0.37,

                          "face_eye": [[414, 346], [499, 339]],
                          "face_mouth": [456, 401],
                          "face_nose": [456, 401],
                          "face_confidence": 0.37,

                          "gaze": [0.02, 0.14],
                          "gaze_confidence": 0.37,

                          "head": [-0.1751, -0.0544, -0.0564]
                          "head_confidence": 0.3765,

                          "direction": "unknown"
  • timestamp: a string formated using the iso 8601 UTC date format.
  • entity_id : id of the human related to the event.
  • entity_type : type of the entity, only “human” is currently supported
  • type : type of the event, a list of event types can be found below.
  • confidence : a value between 0 and 1 which reflects the probability that the event has really occurred in the scene.
  • key : a string which indicates which value has been updated in the attached entities list.
  • face_roi : contains [pt.x, pt.y, width, height] where pt is the upper left point of the rectangle outlining the detected face.
  • face_roi_confidence : an estimate of the probability that a real face is indeed located at the given roi.
  • full_body_roi : contains [pt.x, pt.y, width, height] where pt is the upper left point of the rectangle outlining the detected human body.
  • full_body_roi_confidence : an estimate of the probability that a real human body is indeed located at the given roi.
  • age : an age estimate (in years) of the person outlined by roi.
  • age_confidence : an estimate of the probability that the outlined person is indeed of age age.
  • gender : an estimation of the gender of the person outlined by roi. Value is either "male" or "female".
  • gender_confidence : an estimate of the probability that the outlined person is indeed of gender gender.
  • emotion_neutral, emotion_happiness, emotion_surprise, emotion_anger, emotion_sadness : a float in [0, 1] measuring the intensity of the corresponding face expression.
  • face_eye, face_mouth, face_nose : the coordinate of the detected eyes, nose and mouth in pixels.
  • head : head pose orientation (yaw, pitch and roll) in radian
  • gaze : gaze orientation (yaw, pitch) in radian
  • direction : an indication of the average direction of the person. Value is either "unknown", "up", "right", "left" or "down".

The list of the possible events :

  • "appearance" : a new human has just been detected.
  • "disappearance" : a known human has just disappeared.
  • "age_estimated" : the age of the corresponding human has just been estimated, (expect 1 or 2 events of this type for each human)
  • "gender_estimated" : gender estimation of the corresponding human. (expect 1 or 2 events of this type for each human)
  • "focus_locked" : if a human look in a specific direction for a significant time, this event is triggered with the pitch and yaw of the gaze registered in the data.
  • "emotion_detected" : if a remarkable emotion peak is detected, the event is triggered with the related emotion type registered in the data.
  • "direction_estimated" : if the human stays enough time in order to determine his average direction.

Code Sample

requirements: opencv2, opencv2 python bindings

This code sample retrieves the stream of a web cam and display in a GUI the result of the scene_analysis service.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import StringIO

import angus.client
import cv2
import numpy as np
import datetime
import pytz

def main(stream_index):
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(stream_index)
    camera.set(, 640)
    camera.set(, 480)
    camera.set(, 10)

    if not camera.isOpened():
        print("Cannot open stream of index {}".format(stream_index))

    print("Input stream is of resolution: {} x {}".format(camera.get(3), camera.get(4)))

    conn = angus.client.connect()
    service ="scene_analysis", version=1)

    while camera.isOpened():
        ret, frame =
        if not ret:

        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ret, buff = cv2.imencode(".jpg", gray, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80])
        buff = StringIO.StringIO(np.array(buff).tostring())

        t =
        job = service.process({"image": buff,
                               "timestamp" : t.isoformat(),
                               "camera_position": "facing",
                               "sensitivity": {
                                   "appearance": 0.7,
                                   "disappearance": 0.7,
                                   "age_estimated": 0.4,
                                   "gender_estimated": 0.5,
                                   "focus_locked": 0.9,
                                   "emotion_detected": 0.4,
                                   "direction_estimated": 0.8
        res = job.result

        if "error" in res:
            # This parses the events
            if "events" in res:
                for event in res["events"]:
                    value = res["entities"][event["entity_id"]][event["key"]]
                    print("{}| {}, {}".format(event["type"],

            # This parses the entities data
            for key, val in res["entities"].iteritems():
                x, y, dx, dy = map(int, val["face_roi"])
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+dx, y+dy), (0, 255, 0), 2)

        cv2.imshow("original", frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 27:



if __name__ == "__main__":
    ### Web cam index might be different from 0 on your setup.
    ### To grab a given video file instead of the host computer cam, try:
    ### main("/path/to/myvideo.avi")