Client appΒΆ

Our client app is a lightweight, open source Python script.

It performs two basic tasks:

  1. retrieve a valid video stream. By default, one of the connected USB camera will be chosen, but you can easily modify the client app to open a different camera and even open a video file.
  2. package and send the video stream over https to our computation servers. This part can also be optimized for your needs (image resolution, frame rate, etc...).

If you need help to perform these optimizations, please contact us at


  • you have a working webcam plugged into your PC
  • you have installed OpenCV2 and OpenCV2 python bindings. Please refer to OpenCV documentation to proceed, or check FAQ chapter.

On Debian-like platform, OpenCV2 comes pre-installed, you just need to run

$ sudo apt-get install python-opencv

Note also that OpenCV2 is not an absolute pre-requisite, the following code sample can easily be adapted to be used with any other way of retrieving successive frames from a video stream.

Client App

Please copy/paste the following code sample in a file and run it.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2

import numpy as np
import StringIO
import datetime
import pytz
from math import cos, sin
import angus.client

def main(stream_index):
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(stream_index)
    camera.set(, 640)
    camera.set(, 480)
    camera.set(, 10)

    if not camera.isOpened():
        print("Cannot open stream of index {}".format(stream_index))

    print("Video stream is of resolution {} x {}".format(camera.get(3), camera.get(4)))

    conn = angus.client.connect()
    service ="scene_analysis", version=1)

    while camera.isOpened():
        ret, frame =

        if not ret:

        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ret, buff = cv2.imencode(".jpg", gray,  [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80])
        buff = StringIO.StringIO(np.array(buff).tostring())

        t =
        job = service.process({"image": buff,
                               "timestamp" : t.isoformat(),
                               "store" : True
        res = job.result

        if "error" in res:
            # This parses the entities data
            for key, val in res["entities"].iteritems():
                # display only gaze vectors
                # retrieving eyes points
                eyel, eyer = val["face_eye"]
                eyel = tuple(eyel)
                eyer = tuple(eyer)

                # retrieving gaze vectors
                psi = 0
                g_yaw, g_pitch = val["gaze"]
                theta = - g_yaw
                phi = g_pitch

                # Computing projection on screen
                # and drawing vectors on current frame
                length = 150
                xvec = int(length * (sin(phi) * sin(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi)))
                yvec = int(- length * (sin(phi) * cos(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(psi)))
                cv2.line(frame, eyel, (eyel[0] + xvec, eyel[1] + yvec), (0, 140, 0), 3)

                xvec = int(length * (sin(phi) * sin(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi)))
                yvec = int(- length * (sin(phi) * cos(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(psi)))
                cv2.line(frame, eyer, (eyer[0] + xvec, eyer[1] + yvec), (0, 140, 0), 3)

        cv2.imshow('original', frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):



if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### Web cam index might be different from 0 on your setup.
    ### To grab a given video file instead of the host computer cam, try:
    ### main("/path/to/myvideo.avi")

To run it:

$ python

You should see two green vectors showing what your are looking displayed on your screen:


The application displays by default a live view of your stream, with gaze vectors super-imposed. If you need it, it is also possible to display age, gender, emotion, etc... Please refers to the app real-time API here : (Output API).